
This is a simple Image Compression System with the function of network communication realized by myself in EEE5347 Image & Video Compression and Network Communication. Here is a simple explanation of the overall structure of network communication process of the project. For more information, please visit the repository.



If you want to have a look at the process of image compression and decompression, go to and click run button to start. All data are save in folder ./data. In this section, I wrote to show the pairwise relationships between some variables, such as R (Rate), D (Distortion), CR (Compressed Rate) and Q (Quantization step size). Assuming that the name of image is image1, before we draw plots by using it, you should make sure that you have copied a csv file named image1.csv, pasted it in folder , ./data/collect , and assigned the parameter, name, "image1", which is in

Network Communication

If you want to use network communication, you should do like this. After you run and, you should designate IP address and Port of target server for Then, just follow the hint, type command line and you can use image compression system via network communication. Additionally, decoded image is saved in folder ./client_rec.


Thanks for the author, aparande, of the repository, EZWImageCompression. The repository inspires me how to realize the structure named zero-tree.

Discussion and feedback